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AGM Reports


AGM Report 2020-2021

For Year : 2020-2021

The period under review has been turbulent, to say the least, not only for SANCA Durban but the country at large. The Organisation closed in April 2020 as per lockdown regulations. Social workers were advised timeously so that the necessary arrangements with patients could be made. As with many non-profit organisations, the impact has been devastating. We are extremely grateful to the Department of Social Development for their financial support, without which the Organisation would have experienced sustainability risk due to the current precarious fiscal environment.

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AGM Report 2021-2022

For Year : 2021-2022

This is a reflective year for us at SANCA DURBAN as we celebrate 66 years of service to persons with substance abuse addictions. The theme for this years report is " Promoting Recovery, Restoring Dignity" We are grateful for being part of this journey and restoring the self-respect and dignity to persons with substance abuse addictions.

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